Thursday, August 5, 2010

Maybe I'm just stubborn....

Last week I had dinner with my dear friend from high school Sarah and her husband Mike. Sarah and Mike are expecting their first child (a son) in December and I couldn't be more excited for them! They are going to be wonderful parents to baby "Raul". Ever since the day everyone found out about baby "Raul", Mikes sister has been pressuring them about being the God Mother. Well, during dinner that night, they asked if I would like to be the God Mother. My first reaction was "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME MURDERED?"(because seriously... I don't think his sister is going to take it well AT ALL.) But then I said I would be honored! I adore Mike and Sarah to pieces.

So shortly after asking me to be the God Mother, Mike mentions that he has volunteered me, their friend Amy and Mikes Mother to do the baby shower. Which is totally cool with me, I love organizing parties and everything.

The next day you better believe that I was on Hostess with the Mostess to start looking up shower ideas. I send the links to Mike and Amy to get their opinions.

*Keep in mind, Sarah loves anything French related*

Idea #1 (LOVE THIS ONE): French BeBe Circus Theme
Mine: Invitation

Idea #2: Beach Baby

.. and immediately Mike responded back that he liked both.

However, I never heard anything back from Amy. (Mind you I sent these ideas out on the 2nd!)

Well... that was until today when I received a text from her this morning....

Amy: I emailed you a pic of an invite. I wanted (<--- first sign of wanting to control it all) to use a couple of French themed things (really because I had this idea 3 days ago!) . What do you think?

Me: I checked my email, and I haven't received anything yet, but I will keep it up so I can look at it when it comes through.

Amy: OK, well I was in a hurry so I may not have sent it.
Go to and go to boy shower invites. It's a black buggy. Too cute!

So, I go and this is what she is looking at.... Hers.

(Okay, well that just came off kind of rude. I didn't mean "Ehh... HERS" but this is "Her" pick.)

I don't know, call me a bitch, but I just don't think that screams BABY SHOWER for a BOY.

Yay? Nay? Am I just being stubborn about liking my idea more for the French Bebe Circus?

I've hung out with Amy before... she lives in B.F.E North Carolina (seriously people the sticks) so I really don't see her that often. She is a really sweet girl, but I have a feeling that she is going to try to take over the whole shower process. Which I can tell you is going to annoy the shit out of me.

I haven't responded back to her text yet... and I don't really know if I want too. Is that mean?

Only for the these reasons

#1. Ummm... hello! I emailed her 3 days ago about a French themed shower and never heard back from her...

#2. I'm getting the feeling that she is going to try to take credit for the French themed idea... when all in all lets face it.. I mentioned it first soooooo... really it was my idea. (yes, I know that was bratty)

#3. Call me crazy.. but I have a feeling she is going to be really annoying and try to take charge of everything. And if that's the case, I am going to talk to Mike and let him know that I will be more then happy to help set up and get whatever is needed, but I am not going to help plan it if she isn't going to be open to anyone else' s ideas.

Am I being stubborn? I mean I am all in for working together with everyone, I just don't want it to become... well "I want this...." or "I don't think this...." or "I don't like this..." type crap.




  1. Eeek sounds like a rough situation! I definitely think you should incorporate her ideas, but tell her to trust you, since she asked you to throw the party ~ good luck!

  2. Your finds are waayyy better. Just let her know that while you're happy to work on the shower but that you think it would be more memorable if she let you surprise you and her husband. Encourage her to work on other things like the nursery or the registry.

  3. If Amy is all type A and wants to take all the credit let her, I'd say sit back and ask if she needs any help and let her run the show.

    Remember it is a baby shower, not the opening ceremony for the 2010 Olympics.

    There is no use getting upset for two weeks over something that last 4 hours.

  4. Lady do the circus theme. DO IT.

  5. I say screw her and do it all yourself!!! :) haha...I'm kidding...

  6. Congrats on being asked to be the baby's Godmother. And boo on the planning for the baby shower. Your in a tough situation. But I say just let Amy pick out whatever and just offer her a hand when she needs it. Don't stress yourself out too much sweetie. =) Have a lovely weekend!

  7. Congrats on being asked to be godmother...that is a very special request! You are going to be great! Dont worry about the shower...just try an please the guest of honor the best you can and dont ask too many others for their opinions it just makes things get all hairy! I love your circus idea by the way!
