Wednesday, June 2, 2010

pulling my hair out!

When the first thing I do in the morning is walk into the boss's office and tell him that if the office manager speaks to me the way she has done the past two mornings, that I will be walking out, you know it isn't going to be a good day!


  1. OH NO :(
    i hope she isn't rude should not have to deal with that!!!

  2. Address the office manage too. Do it in a polite way but let here know you don't appreciate being talked to that way.

  3. That job needs to suck it. I'm sorry they're so terrible! :( :(

  4. a girl at my job did just that once, and the next day the woman talking to her crazy was gone too. I'm new to blogger and ran across your blog, fellow VB girl here! I'm following!
