Next Monday it's on like Donkey Kong! My boys the Patriots are going to stomp the Bills A$$e$! Jus' Sayin! Although I am not a big Brady fan (he is wonderful we all know DUH!), but Randy Moss is my boy! Can't wait to sport the Moss jersey next Monday.
(My boys Randy & Tom)
Here is a little snippet from the Super Bowl I did not care for... although Giants are my 2ND pick for a football team, Chris is a BIG, HUGE Giants fan! And I was okay with this loss to the Giants for only ONE reason... Plaxico Burress...(before he shot himself!) We went to high school together.. YAY... notsomuch now though since he pulled a Cheddar Bob move and shot himself... anyhoo.... Chris and I were not friends this day, at all!! I actually left the party we were at and didn't say good bye to him. Ha ha ha! =)

(Excuse the hand gestures)
(and babes and I again,and Mark the boy in the back is a Cowboys fan! BLAH BOOO....)
Can't wait........
So quick run down from this weekend.....
This is Chris' "Boys Night Out", when he doesn't have to work the next day. Which I am totally fine with, but I don't understand why he doesn't just give me the invite to go out with him, when I know he is going to call me at 1:00 for a ride home?? I mean really..
Remember the American Music Festival that was going down this past weekend, that I really wanted to go to!?! Yeah.. that didn't happen! =( Instead ended up going suit shopping with Chris (we were suppose to do this on Thursday!). $$$$ later we walked out of the store at 9:30, and we both got lazy and didn't do anything.
Got up early and went to Chris' softball game. They came in 2ND place! YAY! And he normally would stay after and finish drinking all the beer they have left, but I was being a royal b!tc#. (yes, I admit it!)It was hot out, I hadn't had anything to eat and I had a horrible headache, that was making me nauseous!
Went and picked up one of Chris' suits for the wedding that afternoon. And then I took a nap, and woke up and got ready for the wedding. I didn't take any pictures at the wedding because I thought my camera was charged and ready to go, but it was a no go. So as soon as I steal some, I will post some. =) After the wedding, we went down and met some friends at the beach and had a drink and were home by 12:30.
The weather sucked, here in Va Bch, it rained ALL DAY LONG. So Chris and I watched Pay it Forward, and then I took a nap.... A LONG nap... I didn't wake up until 8:30! Chris woke me up to eat dinner, he made spaghetti with homemade meatballs and garlic bread. Yummy!
Which then leads us to this lovely rainy Tuesday! I feel like I live in Washington State with all the rain we have been having!
Thank goodness only two more days until the weekend! And Chris leaves AgAiN on Friday until the 22ND. =(
My nephew Zander started all day Kindergarten this morning! He rocked his little foe hawk too. (Pictures to come later)My sister just called me and told me he was crying when he got off the bus. This is how there convo went...
Sis: Zander are you crying
Z: Yes!
Sis: What's wrong?
Z: I just missed you MOM.
Sis: How long have you been crying?
Z: I only cried twice, once in school and just now on the bus.
Sis: When were you crying at school?
Z: In the soccer room
Sis: In P.E.?
Z: No, in the soccer room with all the balls while I was waiting for the bus.
Sis: Waiting for the bus to come home?
Z: Yes.
Sis: Why would you cry then, you were on your way home to come see me crazy!
Aww... I love him! He is great!
Work place drama is still alive and kicken! T.P. assistant, decided that she wasn't moving out of the place where her and her W.T. boyfriend live! Apparently he wrote her this really long "sweet" note blah blah blah...... Long story short she is still there.... and a whole lot more drama to come.
Today was the new Hygienists first day, and I can already tell it's going to take me awhile to get use to her. The previous hygienist only needed 45 mins with patients.. this one needs an hour, and probably an hour and 15 for new patients. I never pulled charts from the previous hygienist, because we are trying to go paperless, well the new one wants her charts!
I mean seriously.. get it together.. time to move out of the old ways of doing stuff and get with the new age stuff!
I will blog some more later.... gotta go to the Devil aka Target!
I just can't get into NFL football...I LOVE college football, but the NFL...meh :(
ReplyDeleteI FREAKIN LOVE FOOTBALL!!! i get juiced everytime i see those boys in their tight ends...i mean pants. oh yes! BRING IT ON! sadly, my team sucks but whatev...the game continues!!!