Which is putting me in panic/stress mode, because I have a BUNCH of stuff still yet to do!!!
Lets take a look shall we...... And see why I have been MIA from blogger... and everything else.
This wallpaper crap is for the birds..... I can't finish this side until the bathroom is done, because that's the designated area for the bathroom stuff. And you see all those dark spots on the wall where the wallpaper is down?? That's all the left over glue that I have to scrub off. FUN??? notsomuch!
On to the next project......
I only have a few touch ups to do on the top... and then I will wait until the spring to actually put up the new screen... figure it's already in the 30's some days here and we aren't going to be hangout outside until spring anyways so that can wait.
And my new love..... I love the push button.. the only thing I don't like about the new throne is that the seat and lid are plastic... which those will be getting changed out to porcelain sometime soon.
I am loving the new tile in the bathroom....
Here is a project that originally wasn't on the list of things to do..... I re-painted the living room/ den. I am in love with this chocolate brown color.
Another view of the living room... still need to find some pictures/ art work to put up there.. I have something in mind.. so hopefully I can get around to doing that as well.
The other side of the living room/ den... along with my little fake tree. It works for now... when Chris and I get our own place... We will be getting a real one, and hopefully much bigger.
I still would like to add in some feathers here in the topper ... that way it softens it up a little bit.
And this is what I did last night, after I took a break from scrubbing the glue on the bathroom walls... helped my friend decorate her MAC DADDY Christmas Tree! I am so jealous of her tree... I can't wait to have a real one.
Alright... so there is it is.... that's what I have been doing lately.
I'm exhausted... worn out and sick of wallpaper!
Hope everyone is having a great day.
xo~ ciao