So, Chris and I have decided that we are going to have a low key Thanksgiving this year. Maybe do a little Turkey breast or stuffed Cornish Hens with some sides.
We would normally be running around Thanksgiving Day like chickens with our heads cut off. Trying to go to my Moms house to make her happy and then over to My Dad and Step-Moms house to get in family time over there.

See the thing is my Mom is still a little... (okay I mean a lot ) bitter about the divorce of her and my Dad. So she feels like we should all be at her house at a certain time for Thanksgiving dinner, and that my Dad and Step Mom can just wait to see us.
(I don't know about ya'll, but I can barely eat everything on my plate for 1 dinner helping, and trying to plan it out to have 2 dinners is .... annoying!)
My Mom ALWAYS plans the early dinner right smack in the middle of the day (normally about 2 or 3) then of course we have to eat.... chit chat.... and help clean up and at the same time not try to make her feel like we are rushing just to get over to my Dads place.
I'm telling you it gets CrAzY......
Well, this year my oldest Brother and his Girlfriend have decided to do Thanksgiving up at there place (about an hour away and $24 toll bridge ).
And mean as it is, I opted not to go. =(
I just get really overwhelmed when there are tons of kids and adults everywhere. I look like a lost child in the middle of a huge crowd. And both places (my Brothers and my Dads) will be a mad house with ALL the family members (30+) at each place!
Is this mean of me not to spend the Thankful Holiday with family?
On a different note......
Chris came up with the brilliant idea that he wants to wear cheesy holiday sweaters... (just like these)

for Christmas card photos. =) You would think that these pretty babies would be easy to find in stores..... they totally aren't!
I heard Kohl's has them in the "Older People" section.... so it looks like I might be making a stop over there this weekend.
Well, I finally got my scarf swap partners package out in the mail today! My swapper is Bakergirl over at http://anextendedvacation.blogspot.com/. If you aren't a follower of hers or haven't been to her blog..... go check her out!
She is currently par-taking in the NaNoWriMO.
So go shoot her some words of encouragement for her 50,000 word Novel she is in the process of writing!
Bakergirl (I know her real name... I am just not revealing it) keep your eye open for your package coming. I hope you like it! =)
I hope everyone is having a Happy Thursday! =)
~ciao bitches
My family is totally insane, so thanksgiving will be perfection- plus its my birthday!
ReplyDeleteMy family is totally not all there, my two brothers do not talk, so my mother feels bad and I'm always trying to make her feel better because we are not all together at the Holidays. I use to go away for Thanksgiving, then I started to feel bad because she is getting older now, plus I live very close. Your OK, I think you should do what you like!
ReplyDeleteAhhh...the holidays are a comin'. So glad and sad at the same time. See we don't live near family...so if they come to visit it will be GREAT!!! If not...you can bet my turkey will be dry, as i have never before cooked one :)-
ReplyDeleteHilarious! Great call on the sweaters! And my family would be the same way for the holidays so I've opted to just stick around here with my inlaws. Its much more calm. And they give me lots of beer and a pool to lounge in so I'm good :)
ReplyDeleteLove the sweater idea! DUDE - family and holidays DO NOT MIX!
ReplyDeleteI hope you liked it! Thanks for the encouragement with NaNoWriMo! I can't believe the package got to you so quickly!
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's nice to be away from your family. I love mine,but sometimes the holiday dinners a little bit too much for me.